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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. The spring term disbursement is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025. You can read the ED announcements here, and you can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Home > AmeriCorps > AmeriCorps Background Checks > How do I complete the Relay AmeriCorps Background Check?
How do I complete the Relay AmeriCorps Background Check?
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I.  Who pays for AmeriCorps Background checks?

AmeriCorps applicants are not allowed to pay for background checks. All fees associated with the two-step criminal history check are covered by Relay. You will not have to interact with any form of payment. 

II. How do I complete Truescreen?

If you are invited to complete background checks, you will receive a Truescreen Guide and video to view  detailed Truescreen steps. 

III. What is my Truescreen Application Station Code?

When invited to complete Truescreen, you will receive an email from This email will include a link that takes you to Truescreen along with your personalized Application Station Code. Please reference Step 2 in the Truescreen Guide to view what that email will look like. 

IV. How do I complete Fieldprint?

If you are invited to complete background checks, you will receive a Fieldprint Guide and video to view  detailed Fieldprint steps.

V. What is the Fieldprint Code?

Relay's Fieldprint Code is found in Step 5 of the Fieldprint Guide. You must enter this code when registering for an appointment in order for the check to be tagged to our program and for Relay to pay for the check. 

VI. How do I cancel or reschedule my Fieldprint appointment?

If you know you cannot attend your scheduled Fieldprint appointment, you must cancel or reschedule 24-hours in advance of your originally scheduled time. Please reference page six of the Fieldprint Guide (Step 11) to view how to cancel or reschedule an appointment. 

Our team strongly encourages you to adhere to the appointment slot you’ve scheduled, as rescheduling your appointment may prevent you from completing your fingerprints by our application deadline. Additionally, you may be responsible for paying to schedule a new appointment. 


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