In order to apply to Relay, you must provide your Prior Education history.
Add Institution: Please make sure that you input all details when you are adding your institution.
Institution: Try typing your institution name multiple ways. You may need to try different variations so that you can select your institution from the picklist. For example, The University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas is listed as "University of St Thomas".
Dates Attended
Level of Study: You will want to make sure that at least one institution that you list has Undergraduate listed as the level of study. This is where you received your bachelor's degree. You may select "undergraduate or graduate" for any other institution attended depending on the level of study.
Degree: You will want to make sure that at least one institution that you list has Bachelor's listed on the Degree drop-down menu.
Date Conferred or Expected: Applicants must indicate that they have earned or will earn their bachelor's degree by August 1st, 2025.
GPA & GPA Scale