Verifying and Accepting Your Admissions Decision
If you are considered for admission here at Relay, you will be sent an email notifying you to review your admissions decision. In your admission decision, you are asked to review your enrollment agreement(s), confirm your program-aligned instructional role via the School Authorization & Instructional Role Confirmation Form, and submit your official degree-conferred transcript, if you have not already done so.
To access your enrollment agreement, you have a few steps to take:
Log into your status page.
Click "View Update" under your Status Update. This status update can serve as an offer and can also be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the link in the top right corner if needed for the student's records.
Click the hyperlink "here" on the "Please review your enrollment agreement here."*
*Please note: Applicants may have 2 enrollment agreements (linked to "here and here") listed if seeking an MAT Degree Program + EPP Certification/Licensure, or Advanced Certificate Program + EPP Certification/Licensure, or Certification/Licensure Only Program.
We ask that you review your enrollment agreement to verify your program details.
If this information is correct, you can either accept or decline your offer.
If this information is incorrect we ask that you DO NOT accept your offer and send an email to [email protected] to notify them of this error. Please note, that updating the information can take up to 3-5 business days.
*If you accept your institutional offer of admission, but not your offer of admission to the EPP, you will not be enrolled in the EPP and therefore will not be pursuing licensure/certification at Relay GSE.
Clicking "I accept" and then "Submit" will trigger your enrollment as a student.
If you do accept your offer, you will be sent an email notifying you that you on next steps to start your program.
This agreement will also appear under the "Enrollment Checklist" on your Status Page. (Please download a copy for your personal records.)
Please note: Applicants will receive up to 2 enrollment agreements if they are pursuing both an MAT degree program and EPP licensure/certification.
Once You Have Accepted Your Offer
Once you have accepted your offer, we recommend that you follow these next few steps:
Review the "Let's Get Ready to Relay" resources below.
Check out your new email address: [email protected] - This will be your new email address used to log in to your account(s). If your preferred and last names are already in use, you may find a number in your email address.
Read your “Welcome Email” and subsequent emails about certification/licensure thoroughly!
Complete and submit any remaining admissions and enrollment requirements on your status page:
If you need to change anything about your student record, please access the Student Record Update Form. Students can find the form on the support tab of their status page in the student support tab on the status page. Please note: this page will display once you have been admitted and accepted your admissions offer. In the meantime, if you need to edit any information on your admissions application – please reach out to [email protected].
You will also be given your next steps in regard to accessing our platforms (My Apps, Canvas, Relay GSE Library, etc.)
The ONLY way to access these platforms is by being an enrolled student with a Relay email address.
Once you've set up your new Relay email address, you will log into your Application Status Page using your new Relay email address ([email protected]) and previously used password.
Please note: Some locations have specific items newly admitted students must complete to stay enrolled, including but not limited to:
Passing certification exams
Completing certification workshops
Submitting additional paperwork
You can find urgent requirements on your status page. More information about all requirements will be provided during your certification orientation.
Let's Get Ready To Relay
Congratulations on your recent admission to Relay! You made it through the admissions process, signed your enrollment agreements, and are now preparing to start your Relay program and join the "relay of great educators." Check out the resources, tips, and suggestions here, and make sure to ask yourself... "Are you ready?"