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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. You can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
2025 Admissions Deadlines
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Below you will find a list of important dates in regard to the 2025 Relay Teacher Program Application and Admissions Season. Please start by finding the summer class date you prefer to begin and read the table to determine the key dates of your admissions process.

  • All Admissions Requirements Due - Prospective students must submit their application and complete all items on their admissions checklist(s), including but not limited to completing forms, submitting official transcripts, and submitting exam scores and documentation.

  • Last Day to Accept Offer - Prospective students must accept their offer of admission by this date to be admitted.

  • Access to Class Start Dates - If prospective students apply by the deadline listed, and are responsive to any admissions requests, they should be able to start classes by the sessions listed.  The final deadline listed will enroll students in a fall start to their program.

    • Admission to the Fall Start date will create a condensed timeframe for students to complete all steps required to enroll in the AmeriCorps program.


Admissions Requirements for Relay's Educator Preparation Programs (for applicants pursuing certification through Relay) vary by state and may differ from the deadlines for institutional admission below. Check out your location page for deadlines specific to both your institutional and educator preparation program(s). 


Admissions Deadlines


Admissions Deadlines

All Admissions Requirements Due

Last Day to Accept Offer

Access to Class Start Dates

Priority Deadline



All Summer & Fall Class Start Dates

Early Summer Deadline



All Summer & Fall Class Start Dates

Summer Deadline



Summer Sessions 3, 4, 5, & 6 + Fall Class Start Dates

Final Summer Deadline



Summer Sessions 5 & 6 + Fall Class Start Dates

Fall Deadline



Fall Class Start Dates

Program Restrictions & Implications

  • Prospective Students from all approved programs may apply for all deadlines.

  • NY Relay Teaching Residency students may only select to start in Sessions 1, 3, or 5.

  • NY students starting in Session 6 or the Fall term will not be eligible for a Trans B certificate until Spring 2026.

  • IL and NJ students who start in Session 6 or the Fall term will not be eligible for a license until Spring 2026 and would not be eligible to complete their program until Fall 2027.



Schedule Type

Start Date

Program Restrictions & Implications

Summer Session 1



NY Relay Teaching Residency may only start in the summer term and must select a daytime option.

Summer Session 2



NY Relay Teaching Residency may not select this option.

Summer Session 3



NY Relay Teaching Residency may only start in the summer term and must select a daytime option.

Summer Session 4



NY Relay Teaching Residency may not select this option.

Summer Session 5



NY Relay Teaching Residency may only start in the summer term and must select a daytime option.

Summer Session 6



  • NY Relay Teaching Residency may not select this option.

  • NY students in Session 6 will not be eligible for a Trans B certificate until Spring 2026.

  • IL and NJ students in Session 6 will not be eligible for a license until Spring 2026 and will not be eligible to complete their program until Fall 2027.

Fall Session



  • The Fall Session is the only start date for the Advanced Certificate in Special Education.

  • NY Relay Teaching Residency may not select this option.

  • NY students who start in the Fall term will not be eligible for a Trans B certificate until Spring 2026.

  • IL and NJ  who start in the Fall term will not be eligible for a license until Spring 2026 and would not be eligible to complete their program until Fall 2027.


To see the full schedule for these initial sessions, click here.


Please refer to your location page for details regarding programming, eligibility, and admission requirements.


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