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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. You can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Texas Educator Preparation Program Admissions Requirements
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Summary of Educator Preparation Program Admissions Requirements

Educator Preparation Program


Summary of Admissions Requirements

Transition Points (Read Transition Point 1 Thoroughly)

Texas Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program

Residents & Non-Residents

  • Bachelor’s degree

  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale from a bachelor’s degree or higher institution - exceptions available on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Create a TEA ID number.

  • Demonstrate content knowledge via previous credits earned or by passing a subject area test prior to admission.

  • Background check clearance

  • Submit a passing TOEFL exam if attended a university outside of the US.

  • Submit a TEA Candidate Transfer form if previously enrolled in an EPP.

Certification Support

Relay provides many resources to help prospective students prepare for certification/licensure.  

  • Click here, to learn more about general certification information. 

  • Click here, to see information about certification cost and budgeting.

  • Click here, to access certification studying and support materials.


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