Connecticut Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program
Single Endorsements: Elementary PreK-6; English 4-12; Mathematics 4-12; General Science 4-12; Biology 4-12; Chemistry 4-12; Physics 4-12
Relay’s Connecticut Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program is intended for students who have completed an undergraduate degree and want to seek teacher certification in Connecticut while teaching in a Connecticut school.
The Connecticut Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program is offered through enrollment in a corresponding Master of Arts in Teaching program:
Elementary (Non-Residents Only) and Secondary endorsements are available through enrollment in a corresponding MAT program (32 credits/6 terms).
Students complete aligned coursework and qualifying clinical experiences, serving for at least ten (10) months as a teacher of record in a Connecticut school while holding a Resident Educator Certificate (REC). Students’ teaching assignments must match their certificate title. Qualifying clinical experience typically occurs during the first year of enrollment for students who enter with a teacher of record position and in the second year of enrollment for teaching residents. Clinical experiences are supervised by Relay faculty and a school-based clinical mentor. Academic plans detailing specific course requirements may be accessed on the Academic Plans site. Students are provided with a detailed course schedule at orientation.
Successful program completers who meet all necessary requirements for certification may apply to advance to the Connecticut Initial Educator Certificate, valid for 3 years from the date of issue. A complete list of requirements for program admission, completion, and licensure can be found in the corresponding Transition Points Guide: