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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. You can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at if you have any questions.
Home > Teacher Certification > I have questions about certification in NYC. > How do I apply for and receive the program code for my Transitional B, Initial, and Professional Certificates?
How do I apply for and receive the program code for my Transitional B, Initial, and Professional Certificates?
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Please review the TEACH Guide for information on applying for a Transitional B, Initial, and or Professional certificate.

Although this guide describes the application process for the Transitional B certificate, the instructions are similar when applying for each type of certificate. The primary difference is that you will change your selected certificate type depending on what you are applying for (e.g., Trans B vs. Initial). Additionally, the program codes listed in this guide are the same for each certificate type and are based on the certification pathway you pursued during your enrollment at Relay.  

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